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Model Global Parliament

MGP Program


Founding Director: Pera Wells

Pera Wells is a former Australian diplomat and former Secretary-General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations.  

Coordinators MGP 2022: David Joshua Delos Reyes and Sophia Maranan


About the Model Global Parliament Program

A series of model global parliaments is being organized around Australia on the initiative of Pera Wells. They are proving to be a great success and very popular. The aims are:

  • To publicize the idea of democratic global governance

  • To give students practical experience in standing up and debating some of the vital issues concerning our global village

  • To make students think about global issues and how to deal with them.

The Model Global Parliament simulates a democratically constituted global forum for both geopolitical regions and existing globally significant non-governmental networks to work together in identifying global problems and seeking practical and attainable solutions to them.

We see it essentially as an educational platform for students to learn to think and talk together about global issues, using parliamentary procedures. It is an imaginative creation, quite separate from the United Nations or any other international organization. It is intended to enable students to explore new ways of addressing the evident gaps in democratic global governance arrangements and to present, contest and enact ideas about how to shape the future for the benefit of a better world for all living things.


About Community

People should be allowed to celebrate who they are and battle against the obvious oppression there is. People need to learn about different cultures and backgrounds! Support the right of all people to be happy!

About Community

People should be allowed to celebrate who they are and battle against the obvious oppression there is. People need to learn about different cultures and backgrounds! Support the right of all people to be happy!


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