The Institute for Global Peace and Sustainable Governance supports academic study and research at the tertiary level into questions of global governance, including:
The global issues that impel us towards an improved system of global governance are:
The present framework of global governance, analysing in particular its problems and deficiencies;
ways in which our system of global governance might be improved.
The Institute promotes community education and outreach on issues of peace, democracy, and global governance, including:
Curriculum development and teaching materials for schools;
Seminars and conferences involving NGOs concerned with issues of peace and governance, both secular and religion-based, on an interfaith basis.
As a flagship program here, IGPSG has held a series of Model Global Parliaments and youth outreach programs around the country. Our engagement with the youth remains our top priority to enable the young generation to aspire to become world leaders and seek the future they want.
The Institute endorses advocacy by NGOs seeking to promote the objective of democratic global governance.